Articles tagged with "Gender Equality"

While many curious men explore their gender identity at home, often with items of clothing they've acquired by mail order services, they may consider showing up at their workplace in those items as an unattainable dream. There is however some serious research being done in this area by many people to determine the sociological effect of workplace attire and how people who are gender nonconforming, non-binary, genderqueer and so forth are challenging the norm in the workplace.

From the Gender Sexuality at Work Conference 2022, Dr Briony Lipton gives this compelling presentation of her work on "Men In Heels And Workplace Attire" which forms part of a larger project "Invisibilities Of Gendered Inequality In The Age Of Remote And Hybrid Work". Her research on gender equality and changes in professional attire is particularly interesting as it addresses a fundamental shift in our pandemic and post-pandemic work lives where many of us now regularly work from home, or have a hybrid home/office arrangement with who we work for.

She explores "Queer Heterosexuality" and whether there are ways in which straight men can disrupt the dominant paradigm of the straight-masculine and whether this can help to communicate, challenge and influence organisations and individuals perceptions of gender and sexual identities and their perceptions of equality and inclusion in the workplace.

With notable mentions of @MarkBryan911, @The_Heads_Count, @AlokVMenon, @TheeBillyPorter, @GentlemanHeels and @Mens.Heels.Revolution there are a number of other Instagram accounts featured in the video which we'll leave you to discover for yourselves.

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Posted: 15 October 2022

Mahamuda Rahman, Communications Officer at Cordaid gives us this perspective on Patriarchy in this interesting blog post.

Why a post about patriarchy? you might ask... because it's all part of a system of oppression that is bad for all of us and helps to maintain the status quo, including the gender stereotypes and social norms that we want to deconstruct.

"The truth behind this propaganda is that some people just love to keep their power and they invent these convenient dichotomies. There is nothing natural about it."

"In patriarchal societies and systems, men have been claiming for centuries that women are inferior to them. By nature."

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Posted: 26 August 2022

The Sydney Morning Herald reports on the speech made by Australian Labor MP Stephen Jones to Parliament during the debate on the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill.

Mr Jones talked about his Son's gender identity and revealed the grief that his family had borne from the suicide of his gay nephew. He implored the Prime Minister to see things from another point of view by putting himself into his son's heels.

This is an important story, which we will come back to again for more reports, as it highlights the front-line in creating legislation which removes discrimination and provides support for people who want to live their lives authentically and without compromise.

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Posted: 27 June 2022

This is a great article from Polyglot Group, a global Human Resources company and provides a perspective on gender equality in the work place.

  • How does this relate to men in heels?!

"Equality is not just a women’s issue.

This is also the main message of #HeForShe, the UN Women campaign that sparked global debate about the place of men in contemporary feminism.

Launched in 2014, the initiative calls 'men and people of all genders to stand in solidarity with women to create a bold, visible and united force for gender equality'."

  • How does this contribute to the slow pace of change in men's fashion?

"Today, traditional gender roles only serve to restrict people, confining them to stereotypes and tropes born out of an antiquated society and public consciousness.

In fact, the perpetuation of these stereotypes is largely how gender inequality and injustice have endured throughout human history."

  • Why a man in heels visualises an important message for all...

"Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong… it is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum, not as two opposing sets of ideas."

Well worth a read.

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Posted: 19 November 2021

From the early days of men wearing women's jeans to get a skinny fit, how Women's fashion trickles down to the mens section and how mainstream music artists like American Rapper, Young Thug, Pharrell and Kanye West all wear clothes originally intended for women, this article explores how gender labels are being ignored in favour of achieving an individual style away from the boring stereotypes found in the mens section.

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Posted: 10 August 2021

This article from The World Bank highlights the importance of Gender Equality in relation to the Coronavirus pandemic. Many of the critical caregiving roles required during the pandemic are carried out by women, many of whom do not have gender parity with comparable roles carried out by men. The article underlines, once again that equality for women is a requirement for equality for everyone.

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Posted: 29 July 2021