Articles tagged with "Gen Z"
Josh Sims writing for Sphere magazine explores the topic of gender and how it's re-shaping the fashion industry as we once knew it.
From the article:
"Recent years have seen the progressive fashion world look to break away from the age-old binary paradigm of clothing for men and clothing for women, one which shapes how clothing is designed, made, marketed and sold, and which in turn can shape how people think about themselves."
"The shift, of course, has come in parallel with an often-controversial discussion in the wider culture about gender identity."
"in seeking to deconstruct the gender bias of its products, the fashion industry is also following in the footsteps of other huge industries: toys, bedding and cosmetics, for example. It’s an ethical, intellectual and, perhaps above all, an experimental exercise: just why do we continue to define certain products by gender? Should clothing be without gender, or, conversely, even seek to cater to a multiplicity of genders?"
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Posted: 6 January 2023
Today, we take a look back to 2020 and a Harpers Bazaar magazine interview with Harris Reed (@Harris_Reed), the then up and coming designer who is now probably best known for styling Harry Styles for the cover of Vogue magazine. That moment was a pivotal moment in Harris's career as it instantly catapulted him into the spotlight.
"I’d like to eradicate the categories of menswear and womenswear,” Reed says. “Fluidity offers an alternate way of being, crossing and merging masculine and feminine.”
Harris certainly has a way of making what we would normally call feminine styles and presenting them in a way in which we can call them gender neutral. He is definitely one to watch for the re-shaping of the fashion world we currently know.
...and if that's not enough gender-bending non-binaryness for you, to take a look at @FluidByHarrisReed for his curated collection of classic gender-bending looks from the stars.
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Posted: 3 September 2022
GenZ Social Media sensation, Noah Beck caused a stir when he appeared on the front of VMan magazine in Fishnet Tights and Stiletto Heels. As with many features of men in heels, this one also comes with the usual brief, but important history of men in heels.
Also checkout the post of the cover on @NoahBeck's Instagram profile...
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Posted: 15 June 2022
Footwear News reports on Harry Styles (@HarryStyles) appearance at the Sony Brit Awards in 2020 in a "Women's" Suit and heels "for men". Setting aside the gendering of the clothing items, it's a positive thing that we're seeing these red carpet events publicised like they are, but surely it's just a suit and heels? After all, we wouldn't say "Dua Lipa appeared in Men's trousers and heels for women" would we?!
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Posted: 28 April 2022
This article from Catholic University's "The Tower" newspaper asks if we're entering a new era in gender neutral fashion, centred around recent coverage of @HarryStyles' non-binary style. It looks at the origins of gender non-conforming fashion and why it is gaining in popularity now.
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Posted: 5 January 2022
This article by @edsullivan2 from the brilliant InStyle magazine (@instylemagazine) explores how spaces like TikTok, Instagram and YouTube have given androgonous stylists, post-gender visionaries and queer creatives the freedom to embrace their authentic selves, tools to build a platform, and potential to have a wide reach and impact. We see how people like @tripleminor, @wisdm, @alokvmenon, @sammyratelle, @elierlick, @jayybeech, @bethanycmeyers, @nicotortorella and @patrickchurchny are successfully challenging fashion boundaries and taking fashion influence from the streets to social media.
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Posted: 20 June 2021