Articles tagged with "Authentic"

It's often a simple notion in your own head... "I like to wear heels and would like to wear them all the time". Ultimately you don't care what others think. You could be gender nonconforming. But what does that mean? This article from Psych Central unravels the meaning and puts it into context with other terms such as non-binary, genderqueer and genderfluid.

"Gender nonconformity is a way of expressing rejection of societal gender roles and expectations.

It isn’t automatically connected to a person’s gender identity or sexuality. Anyone of any gender identity can be gender nonconforming.

It’s best to inquire about how a person identifies and what pronouns they use rather than making any assumptions."

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Posted: 27 October 2022

ABC News reports in Australia on the debate for the Religious Discrimination Bill where Stephen Jones MP delivered an emotional speech in parliament highlighting the struggles the LGBTQIA community they face every day, highlighting in particular his own son Paddy, who frequently wears gender non-conforming clothes, including high heels.

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Posted: 12 June 2022

Kidadl takes some of the confusion out of raising a child that wants to wear clothes not normally associated with their gender. Kids are born open-minded and are taught social norms by us, like what clothes a boy or a girl normally wears. This is also reinforced by their experience in the world around them. While this article is aimed at boys wearing girls clothes, it applies equally to girls wearing boys clothes, although through deeply engrained patriarchal practice, that has not been seen as carrying the same social stigma. The article concludes that it's fine for a boy to wear "girls" clothes, which it should, as clothes have no gender, and that we should encourage our kids to live as their authentic selves.

It's encouraging to see articles like this as it does seem to show that attitudes towards gender and clothing are changing. Our children are our future hopefully they carry a new hope for future fashion.

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Posted: 17 January 2022

Vogue Czechoslovakia interviews Mark Bryan (@MarkBryan911), 62 year old cis family man with a passion for Porsches, American Football and... high heels. If you’ve been looking for profiles of men in high heels and not yet encountered Mark’s profile, you soon will. Having amassed a huge following, his matter-of-fact talking about men wearing high heels and skirts is inspiring. In particular, Mark relays a thought on “Fashion Apartheid”.

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Posted: 9 January 2022

DailyArt magazine looks back in time to explore the origins of High Heels. Often a surprise for many people, heels originated in Persia in the 10th Century and were worn by men until the 18th Century. Enlightenment put and end to that 800 year reign, but started making a comeback in the latter half of the 20th Century. The article ends on a positive note for all.

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Posted: 5 January 2022